Emily Battilega

As the director of sustainability, Emily Battilega oversees the application and implementation of sustainability guidelines across Versova, leads the measurement of the company’s sustainable efforts, and partners with the sales and marketing team to engage with customers in partnership for the development of sustainable supply chains.
In her role, she is actively engaged with the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Poultry and Egg (US-RSPE), contributing to the development of the US-RSPE Sustainability Framework. The Framework is structured around the three pillars of People, Planet and Poultry, and includes 15 Indicators and over 100 Metrics. Under Emily’s leadership, Versova is on a journey to bring all operations to the Advanced Level for every aspect of the US-RSPE Framework.
Emily joined Versova with the Willamette Egg Farms acquisition in 2021. She began working at Willamette Egg Farms in 2017 leading all farm compliance and overseeing the cage free production, and advanced through the company, gaining experience in food safety, feed mill operation, pullet rearing, and conventional production. In 2019, Emily was promoted to farm manager where she oversaw the entire farm operation in Oregon. Emily is a graduate of Oregon State University where she studied Poultry and Animal Science.